DIY knitted cat bed.

We have a super snuggly kitty in our house, but it has been tough times. He has to hunt around the house looking for forlorn piles of clothing, unmade beds, or blankets that have been neglected. Comfort has been scarce and he often has to take comfort in the laps that are at times aloof for snuggling in the evening. While the dog has been a possibility, the cat has kept his pride and stayed away from the tempting, though malodorous, body heat from the dog.

Noticing this desperation, as it was keeping me from knitting, given he would come and lay on my lap/project every evening, I figured it was high time he had a bed of his own.

I had already sewn a bed for the dog, but the kitty prefers finer knitted comforts. Having a lot of Lion Brand Hometown USA® yarn I figured I could work something up for him.

The project took a little under 3 skeins of Hometown USA®. It is a super bulky yarn. I used the color Jersey Gardens.

The needles I used were US 13, 9mm straights.

This modified pattern is loosely adapted from the soft baskets pattern in More Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson.

CO 31 sts. Stocking stitch until you reach 5 inches, ending on the right side.
K one row.
CO 10 sts, knit to the end of the row, CO 10 sts.
Stocking Stitch until you reach 13 inches, ending on right side.
Bind off 10 sts, knit to last 10 sts, bind off last 10 sts.
Stocking Stitch for 5 inches.
Bind off.
Sew up side seams.

Before sewing the side seams you bed should look like this.

IMG_7128 copy

After sewing up the side seams you will have this.



This does create a simple and floppy bed. Perfect for snuggly kitties, who are not big on firm structure.


The last step is to insert the cat into the bed and cover with a homemade blanket, made out of ultra cuddle fabric.

He uses it every day! Except today, he found a neglected blanket on another bed. The main point though, is he now has snuggling options. So I can knit in peace.

Happy Knitting!


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